from left to right (top): Deanna Walker, Deacon Richard Nelson, Kip Kernodle, Nancy Poinsette, Enrique Marroquin, Karen Fox, Kevin Morrison, Suzanne Duda, Ted Tobolka, Austin DeLaRosa, Victor Juarez, Greg Ackels Jr., Marcos Garza
Not pictured: Richard FerryBoard Type
Thank you for your service!!
We would like to acknowledge those Board members who have completed their Board term. They served our school with grace and diligence over these last few years. We are forever indebted to your kindness and tireless commitment to our SPSA community. Thank you to Mr. Paul Butzberger, Mrs. Emily Cook, Mrs. Patricia Dulac, Mr. Joe Hafertepe, Mr. Michael Horlick, Mrs. Mary Emma Karam, Mr. Frank Miele, Mrs. Carolyn Murray, Deacon Richard Nelson, Mrs. Luisa del Rosal, Mr. Frank Parigi, Mr. Matthew Stensland.